Baroque Collegium 1685
and deserves all the possible support to continue it’s musical mission."
Andreas Scholl

Baroque Collegium 1685 is an international ensemble which aims
to explore and communicate Baroque music, especially
oratorio-cantata pieces, with passion and drama.
The founder and artistic director of Baroque Collegium 1685 is
Polish musicologist, conductor and culture manager
Agnieszka Żarska.
Ensemble debuted in 2016 by performing J.S Bach’s Easter Oratorio
BWV 249 in prestigious series BACH200UW, organized by
the University of Warsaw.
Baroque Collegium 1685 is made up of passionate, high-skilled
singers and virtuoso instrumentalists of HIP trend, who perform regularly
at festivals all over the Europe.
The ensemble cooperates with outstanding soloists including
Peter Kooij, Andreas Scholl, Olga Pasiecznik, Krystian Adam
Krzeszowiak, Benedikt Kristjansson and others.
The Collegium participate in prestigious music festivals.
It is the resident ensemble of the international Baroque Explorations
Festival. Concerts and live recordings of Baroque Collegium 1685
have gained the reputation of being one of the most interesting on
the Polish early music scene. They also enjoy great recognition in
social media among baroque music lovers from all over the world.
Collegium made the first recordings of G.F. Handel's Oratorio "Saul"
and J.S.Bach's Oratorios in Poland, broadcast on Polish TV.
Baroque Collegium 1685's productions delight with their attention to detail,
clarity and expressiveness of interpretation. The starting point for their
creationis in-depth study of sources and performance styles, and above all,
the desire to communicate music to the widest possible audience.